
Analysis Potatoes

Africa is making a stronger push for Dutch seed potatoes

February 24, 2025 - Jan Willem Veldman

The export of seed potatoes shows an increasing trend compared to the same period last year, as evidenced by the recently published figures from the Dutch Potato Organization (NAO). On January 31, 2025, the total export of seed potatoes stood at 416,621 tons, an increase of over 12% compared to last year (370,709 tons).

With 153,205 tons, the export of Dutch seed potatoes in Europe is slightly increasing compared to 2024 (+4,045 tons). Europe is no longer the main buyer of Dutch seed potatoes, as was the case around this time last year. This role has been taken over by Africa. Within Europe, Italy and Spain are mainly seen as the biggest drivers. Both countries show a slight decrease in imported seed potatoes compared to last year (-1,574 and -2,100 tons). It is noteworthy that Belgium has experienced a significant growth in imported seed potatoes compared to last year (+11,752 tons).

The most growth in the sales of Dutch seed potatoes is in African countries. A total of 155,036 tons were taken there. Compared to the same period in 2024, countries on this continent showed an increase of 29,109 tons. Mainly Algeria led the way with a total imported amount of 80,863 tons, an increase of 19,714 tons. Other countries that imported a lot of Dutch seed potatoes were Egypt (31,211 tons) and Morocco (23,503 tons).

The export to Asia rose to 87,783 tons, a growth of 16% compared to last year (75,571 tons). The largest buyers were Saudi Arabia (25,016 tons), Iraq (15,159 tons), and Israel (16,684 tons). In America, the export remained stable at 20,597 tons. This is a slight increase compared to last year (20,051 tons). The main buyers remain Cuba (8,310 tons) and Honduras (2,287 tons).

Europe by far the largest buyer
The export of consumption and industrial potatoes shows a declining trend in the first month of 2025. With a total of 413,687 tons, the export remains below the level of January 2024 (473,124 tons). Europe remains by far the largest buyer with 310,622 tons, but there is a decrease compared to 2024 (375,471 tons). Belgium remains the largest buyer of Dutch consumption and industrial potatoes, as was the case last year. However, with 216,565 tons, there is a decrease compared to 2024 (-35,564 tons). Also, fewer potatoes were exported to France and Germany, the other major importers, with 2,497 and 17,822 tons, respectively.

Unlike Europe, exports to Africa continue to rise. With 65,143 tons, the volume is 12% higher than in 2024 (57,986 tons). This trend is particularly evident in Senegal (30,950 tons, an increase of 5,886 tons). The export to America slightly decreases to 37,566 tons, just below the level of 2024 (39,556 tons). The main buyers remain countries like Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, and the Dominican Republic.

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