
News Potatoes

Despite perfect season, no Canadian record harvest

August 26, 2024 - By our team of market reporters

Potato growers in Canada do not expect to harvest another record crop of potatoes this year. This despite an almost perfectly run growing season. The estimated volume is lower than what was harvested in 2023. This brings supply and demand more in line, as is the thought.

Insiders in the potato sector estimate that 5.74 million tons of potatoes will be harvested in Canada this year. That is 100,000 tons less than last year's harvest. The acreage has remained stable at 157,400 hectares. The average yield per hectare is lower than last year, which is not surprising given that 2023 yielded a record harvest.

On the east coast, the yield is significantly higher than a year ago. Planting could be done earlier on average and the growing season was almost ideal. Recent heavy rainfall in Quebec and Ontario has caused some damage to the potato crops.

Prince Edward Island
It is estimated that 5% more potatoes will be harvested on Prince Edward Island than in 2023. The volume is 1.22 million tons. It is the second most important growing area for this crop in the country, after Alberta. The growing season is described as almost ideal, with occasional sunshine and a shower of rain. The acreage is slightly larger than last year. The first early table potatoes are already being harvested. The main harvest will begin in September.

In the province of New Brunswick, growers are also heading for a good harvest, which is 16% higher than last year at 785,000 tons. The story here is similar to PEI. Good growing conditions and a slightly increased acreage. Much depends on the rain that falls at the end of August and beginning of September for the final tons. This also applies to PEI.

In Ontario and the French-speaking Quebec, growers are also expecting a larger harvest, 3.5% to 7% above last year. Volume-wise, these are smaller provinces for potato cultivation. Heading west in Canada, in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, a smaller harvest is expected. Manitoba, with an expected yield of 1.2 million tons, plays an important role. It is the third largest potato province. The acreage has slightly decreased as processors have contracted fewer potatoes. Despite a great growing season, the estimated yield is still 11% lower.

Finally, Alberta, the most important province, also expects to harvest 11% fewer potatoes this year. The volume is 1.29 million tons, compared to 1.47 million tons last year. The acreage has decreased by 1,850 hectares as factories have less need for processing potatoes. Old potatoes are still being processed, while the new harvest has been underway for some time. Dry weather in July and August has cost kilos, resulting in a slightly lower yield per hectare.

After last year's record harvest, which has still not been fully cleared in some provinces, the production of (fry) potatoes is more in line with the needs of the processing industry. For this reason, 2,800 hectares less of potatoes were contracted this spring. On the east coast, where mainly table and chip potatoes are grown, an above-average harvest is expected. The sector expects a healthier starting position for the next season.


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