
Analysis Dairy

Breather on liquid dairy market, but no peace

The dairy market continues to be in full swing, although the DCA quotations for cream and skimmed milk concentrate fell very slightly this week and butter only saw a small increase. The prices for raw milk continue to rise. In the Netherlands more than in Germany, though.
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News Dairy

Dutch milk supply in 2023 almost back to level of 2020

zuivel FrieslandCampina

Feature Insights

Profits of dairy traders vary widely

FrieslandCampina Arla Foods

Analysis Insights

FrieslandCampina and Arla earn more with less

FrieslandCampina +1,75 Spot raw milk Germany (North) +1,00 Skimmed Milk Powder food +70,00 New Zealand +82,00

Analysis Dairy

Butter prices take a big step upwards

The rising butter price has felt breathless all year and was marked by a lot of volatility in the first half of this year. Just when the market felt calmer during the holiday period, prices took another big step up. The record level from 2022 is suddenly not very far away anymore. The rapidly rising butter price also has an impact on the cheese market.
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melk glas consumenten zuivel

Analysis Milk

Spot milk prices surge in wild market to 60 euros

koeien Nieuw-Zeeland

Analysis Milk

Milk production recovers in New Zealand

Lely Sphere

News Dairy

Strong results for Dutch robot builder Lely