Vion Food Group

News Pigs

New financial debacle by meat processor Vion

Vion has realized a loss of almost €90 million last year, as shown in the annual figures that were finally published today after months of delay. The management of Vion claims high and low that better times are ahead after the announced departure in Germany, but also acknowledges risks threatening the continuity of the long-troubled meat company.
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slachterij varkensvlees

Analysis Pigs

Pig market unprecedentedly stable this year

slachterij varkensvlees

Analysis Pigs

Pig price navigates through flat landscape

varkensvlees Italie ham

Analysis Meat & Protein

Record pig price in Italy opportunity for meat exporters

Danish Crown +0,40 VEZG weaned piglets 0,00 The Netherlands +11.036,00 Slaughter cows (R) +0,05

News Pigs

Big challenges await the new CEO of Vion

The highest priority for Tjarda Klimp is to get meat giant Vion out of the red numbers when she takes over from the departing CEO Ronald Lotgerink next year. Making Vion profitable again is not the only challenge awaiting Klimp.
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Analysis Pigs & Pork

European pig market finds new balance

varkenshouderij biggen

Analysis Pigs & Pork

German pig population grows after years of decline

Pluimveevlees kipvlees

Analysis Chicken & Poultry

Brazil suddenly exports much more poultry meat