
News Potatoes

Fewer potatoes to countries in EU-4

September 23, 2024 - By our team of market reporters

The countries around us have significantly decreased their potato purchases from Holland in July and August compared to last year. Especially the export to Germany decreased. In total, 11.4% less was exported from the 2023 harvest compared to the previous year.

The Dutch Potato Organization (NAO) combines the summer months of July and August. During that period, the Netherlands exported 101,896 tons of consumption and export potatoes. That is 30% less than the same period a year ago. The total exported volume from the entire 2023 harvest amounts to over 800,000 tons. That is more than 100,000 tons less than what was exported from the 2023 harvest year.

30% less export in Europe
It is mainly the export to European neighboring countries that decreased this summer. Export to Belgium decreased by 28,106 tons to 66,859 tons. That is a 30% decrease compared to last year. The decrease in export to Germany is even larger at 78.4%. The export was 3,670 tons compared to nearly 17,000 tons last year. France decreased by 11,736 tons. That is 12.6% less than in 2023.

The total European export amounts to about 86,000 tons, whereas it was 133,500 tons last year. Export to African countries increased to 5,900 tons. Last year it was 2,127 tons. This is mainly due to Ivory Coast and Senegal purchasing significantly more potatoes. The export to the Americas remained almost the same as the previous year at 8,581 tons. Last year it was 8,700 tons.

The Netherlands did import more potatoes during this period. From the 2024 harvest, it amounts to 304,670 tons, including 20,000 tons of starch potatoes. A year ago, it was over 300,000 tons. This is the largest volume in five years.

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