In most months of 2024, the milk supply from New Zealand was below last year's level. Exceptions were February and July. DCANZ from New Zealand reported higher supply figures for July.
The milk supply from New Zealand was 310,000 tons in July. This brings the supply above the five-year average of 295,000 tons, and the supply from the same month last year (286,000 tons). This shows a recovery in the supply, as in June it was still below last year's level and also below the five-year average.
Despite the improved production in July, the milk supply from New Zealand in 2024 up to July is still lower than last year. In the months up to July, the milk supply this year was 8,908,000 tons. In 2023, it was 9,001,000 tons.
So far, the New Zealand milk supply is fairly similar to that of previous years. However, the milk supply of 2024 is above the level of 2022, when the supply up to July was 8,768,000 tons.
For New Zealand, August is the last winter month. Generally, as the graph also shows, milk production already increases in that month. From now on, the milk supply must show better figures to match those of previous years. The higher milk supply in July increases the expectation of a strong continuation of the milk supply in August.
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