Milling Wheat Matif -2,00 update: 07:42 CET Potatoes EEX +0,30 update: 19:25 CET Sugar ICE 13,80 update: 17:54 CET Soybeans CBoT -13,75 update: 19:19 CET EUR/USD +0,0001 update: 09:24 CET
soja - agri

Analysis Grains

Wild strike makes soy market nervous

graan - agri

Analysis Grains

Trade War Impacts American Grain Market

australie Kurstjens tarwe - agri graan - agri

Analysis Grains

Australia has had a good grain harvest

zaaimachine tarwe zaaien zaaigraan

Analysis Grains

Russia stirs up the wheat market

aardappelen akkerbouw aardappeloogst aardappelbewaring

Analysis Potatoes

The Netherlands deviates significantly in Potato Index

Processing potatoes NL GER BE 0,00 Seed onions yellow >60% +0,50 Spot raw milk Germany (North) -2,00 DCA BestPigletPrice +1,00
uienbewaring Biologische uien Kistenbewaring

Analysis Onions

Growers firmly control the onion market

aardappelperceel donkere wolken aardappelruggen

Analysis Potatoes

Perfect storm looms over the potato market

tarwe zaaien tarwe - agri

Analysis Grains

Trump is retracting a bit after all

uien uienexport

Analysis Onions

Dutch onion exports on the rebound

soja - agri

Analysis Grains

Trade war clouds outlook on grain market


Analysis Grains

Trade War Trump is a Reality


Analysis Insights

Poultry brings ForFarmers success in Poland

The Western European feed market has been a shrinking market for several years. This was the reason for ForFarmers to establish a presence in Poland in 2018, a country where the livestock population is still growing. An analysis of the development in Poland.
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Vreugdenhil well equipped for battle over milk

News Albert de Groot