
Analysis Onions

Boat for Africa brings life to the onion party

The export of onions is not going wrong at all for this stage of the season. Volumes are good and the Netherlands has a foothold in many destinations. However, buyers are being cautious. The declining trend that started quite quickly after the beginning of the season is making packers careful. It seems that there might be some changes happening now.
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Analysis Grains

Will Russia follow Western wheat prices?


Analysis Onions

Brits have less appetite for a Dutch onion


Analysis Grains

Extreme drought sets soybeans in Brazil behind

Processing potatoes NL GER BE -2,50 Seed onions yellow >60% -1,50 EU feed barley +10,00 Oil seed rape -9,50

Analysis Potatoes

Top harvest of potatoes still full of ifs and buts

Who goes by the explosion of the consumption potato area in the EU-4 (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and France), in combination with an average harvest, ends up with a top harvest. Yet that is a bit short-sighted. With at least six more weeks of growth to go, anything can happen.
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Analysis Grains

Harvest is smaller, but Ukraine's export is doing well


Analysis Potatoes

Fewer kilos potatoes per hectare with a finer grading

suikerbieten Nordzucker

Analysis Sugar

Germany expects significant increase in sugar production