
Analysis Pigs & Pork

Piglet price continues to move sideways

September 2, 2024 - Wouter Baan

The pressure on piglet prices is over, now that the market has definitively found a bottom. The DCA BestPigletPrice continues to move sideways, after the price had already found a bottom last week following months of price declines.

No, the demand for piglets is not strong. At the same time, the worst price pressure is also behind us. Pig farmers sometimes still resist a lot, but increasingly accept the stable prices, as heard from the market. This creates a bit more calm. Especially because the pressure on pig prices has eased and that market feels somewhat more positive again.

Outlook still uncertain
It is still difficult to predict how the market will develop in the coming period. The new balance that will arise between supply and demand is still uncertain because the impact of the cessation scheme is not yet fully foreseeable. The Dutch supply of piglets will decrease, but so will the number of places for fattening pigs.

In recent weeks, export numbers to Germany have increasingly fallen below the 50,000 mark, which can be considered low. The sales to Spain are above last year's level, partially offsetting the decline in German demand.

Stable period
Overall, the majority of traders opt for a stable DCA BestPigletPrice. The benchmark price remains at €48 per pig for the third week. Historically, this will also be the price level for the coming weeks.

Wouter Baan

Wouter Baan is the editor-in-chief of Farmerbusiness and a market specialist in dairy, pork, and meat at DCA Market Intelligence. He also tracks developments within the agribusiness sector and conducts interviews with CEOs and policymakers.

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